Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chior Ball

Friday was truly a hectic day. The final practice for the 2010 Tracy High Tennis Team took place in which a doubles tournament was held, mixing the top players with the lower ones. I and Paul took up the number 2 position on the bracket. We ended up winning in each match and eventually the whole tourney. Not a bad way to end the season. After this I now had to rush home in order to change and get ready for Choir Ball. I drove over to Sara's, where the pre-party was taking place, meeting up with old friends and sharing stories.

The dance itself was good, with a live band and a great DJ, the night shaped out to be one of the better of the year. Things got to their best towards the end of the night when I was left alone with my friends, free to dance with whomever I wanted, as the night went on. I didn't get home until around 1:00 and by the time I was actually in bed it was nearly 1:45. A great was to start off the weekend that was shaping out to be one of the greatest of the year. Too bad I was going to have to wake up at 5:00 later that morning... but it was worth it.

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