Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Make or Break

So I'm sitting here at my desk completely bewildered by this evening's events, but more than that, about a certain conversation I just had. It was one of those conversations that aren't had all that often, that cut straight to the core of what a person is. This kind of "talk" strips away the armor that is put up to defend one's self against the onslaught of emotion. These kind of conversations usually tend to either make or break individuals and right now I don't really know where I stand. Without going into too much detail, things went rather well. Granted, it wasn't the best it could have potentially been but it could have been far, far, more worse than it ended up. I'm sort of stuck in this limbo where it would be irrational to be upset, but equally irrational to be overjoyed. So, being in such a state, I have resorted to writing about it. Only time will tell if things improve, however time has never been a friend to the person of whom I spoke with. In fact, time has never worked between us, always keeping each other apart from the other. If only there were more time in order to go beyond where I am now, as practically nothing but what could have been. With school wrapping up and summer fast approaching, in two months hopefully I'll have more to write on the subject, but for now adieu.

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